Career 50plus – a long term view

Changed underlying conditions

The career 50plus has gained in importance. Reasons are the demographic development with problems in the retirement provisions, the resulting skills shortage and the rapid change in the economy. Due to all these developments, we must include an increase in the retirement age in our career considerations. As a result, the age of 50 is slowly shifting from the current beginning of the last third of working life towards the middle of the career. A change of job at the age of 50plus is therefore becoming more frequent and natural. This also makes planning a career 50plus more important. Whereby this should already begin much earlier. We have the best chances for a successful career 50plus if we do what we are good at and what costs us little energy. Ideally, we have aligned our career according to these criteria early on.

Provision for the career 50plus

As with other 50plus topics (e.g.: job search, application, job interview) the principles are not fundamentally different. It is simply a matter of applying them more consistently. In principle, it would also be important for young employees to build their career on their strengths and interests. However, due to their greater energy reserves, they can act against their personal inclinations for many years without negative consequences. With increasing age, this becomes more difficult as the energy decreases. Although our brain remains plastic with regular use until old age, we can learn new things throughout our lives. Nevertheless, it makes sense to postpone extensive further training and possible retraining until before the age of 50. We learn more profoundly with increasing age, but unfortunately also more slowly. Therefore, it is important to get your career on the right track as early as possible. This ensures that the career 50plus is successful.

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