

Statistics as proof of success in outplacement?
50plus – (self-)underestimated potential
Understanding your own career with «Career-Telling»
How not to conduct a termination meeting
Storytelling – tell your entire story!
Career success through specialisation
Shortage of specialists’ self-awareness
Do, not think! Design thinking for your career
Career decisions are internal majority decisions
Success is a matter of perspective

Personal and professional assessment

Yes, it’s all about hocus-pocus strengths
Dreams do not always want to be realised
Certified, so I am
Subconscious versus mind 1:0
Do you know your transferable skills?
All roads lead to Rome – even if it takes a little longer
Know thyself, or others will
Successful career design through self-observation
Introvert is not a dirty word
Deal with your dreams when things are going well
It’s never too late to start a new career


On what does the CV depend? On the content!
Writing motivation letters with Chat GPT – seriously?
7 times in last round – 7 times refused
Do you put all your assets on the scale pan?
A good application is condensed time
Job search? Approach it like a headhunter
Is the motivation letter an obsolete model?
Should I optimize my CV for AI?
Ghosting in recruitment and application

Job interview

Are you still tapping or are you already telling?
On job interviews and gorillas
Influence? Yes – but the right way!
The job interview is about sympathy
Hypnosis of the interviewer
Also tell me what I already know!
Sell yourself well – talk about your weaknesses!
Young banker, fired without notice, looks for…
How do you want to be remembered?
«Tick the boxes» in the interviewer’s head!
A job interview is like a joke


Poultry does not fly
Personal branding without myth
Why success does not speak enough for itself
Self-marketing is a requirement in every job
The 4 P’s of self-marketing
Forget the «we» in self-marketing!


«Further education is never wrong!»- but is it always right?
Diversity? Yes, but for real!
The blessing of bad experiences
Keep your eyes on your goals, not your opponents