Personal and professional assessment for employees

Mutually beneficial personal and professional assessment

A long-term successful cooperation with your employees is based on the alignment of their career goals and your needs as an employer. During the personal and professional assessment, I work with your employees to determine their professional expectations and goals. In addition, I increase their awareness of their abilities and strengths. They are afterwards in a position to bring their career goals and needs into the discussion about the common future.

For successful employee retention and employee development

You retain valuable know-how and can invest specifically in the further development of your employees. If mutual expectations do not coincide in the long term, your employees will consider alternatives at an early stage. This facilitates a possibly inevitable separation for both sides. In times of a skills shortage, the personal and professional assessment is a contribution both to employee retention and to a responsible separation culture. Read more about this under the following links:

For company: Information personal and professional assessment for employees (PDF)
For employees: Information personal and professional assessment for employees (PDF)

I also offer coaching via MS Teams.

Your next step

I would be happy to discuss a possible collaboration with you. I look forward to hearing from you by phone at 076 223 97 88, by e-mail, WhatsApp or Threema.


Yes, it’s all about hocus-pocus strengths
From business journalist to fund analyst
Dreams do not always want to be realised