
Coaching for professional reorientation and job search

The separation of employees is often unavoidable in times of rapid change in the economy. Outplacement makes it easier for all parties involved to deal with the situation. My offer covers the entire process, which begins after the termination and ends at the end of the probation period with the new employer. Depending on the situation, the coaching sessions with your employees may cover the entire process or parts of it.

Individual outplacement

For younger employees with experience in changing jobs and a clear professional orientation, counseling on job search and application is often sufficient. In the case of long-term employees who are struggling with the situation, the support also includes the processing of the dismissal and a personal and professional assessment, if a professional reorientation is needed. If the employee’s behavior contributed to the termination, coaching to reflect on what happened facilitates the processing and professional reorientation. Finally, coaching during the probation period facilitates the familiarization with the new company. Read more about my approach to outplacement under the following links:

For company: Information outplacement (PDF)
For employees: Information outplacement (PDF)

I also offer outplacement via MS Teams.

Next step

I would be happy to discuss a possible collaboration with you. I look forward to hearing from you by telephone on 076 223 97 88, by e-mail, WhatsApp or Threema.


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