Personal and professional assessment

Reasons to pause

A personal and professional assessment is a pause in the course of a career. The aim is to find out whether the chosen professional direction is still right. The need for this is often linked to a certain age or typical life phases. Many clients clarify after graduation which professional direction to take. After some years in the profession, they ask themselves around the age of 30 whether they are working in the right field. Finally, around midlife, the question arises as to whether someone wants to set a new career course. So this is a topic throughout the working life. However, once you have dealt with your situation in greater depth, it is easier for you to do so. The questions always remain the same. Often, contrary to the customers’ expectations, the analysis shows that they only have to make minor changes to the current situation.

Contents of a personal and professional assessment

For centuries, social background determined the people’s professions. Today’s free choice also implies responsibility for the decision. But on what basis should I decide about my career? Many people orient themselves by trends or by what their friends do. This is especially true for younger people. Others are guided by a supposed job security. However, statements about the future are uncertain. I advise you to orientate your career instead towards something that is within your sphere of influence and remains constant over time: Your interests and strengths. If you build your career on your strengths, you can achieve above-average performance at a reasonable cost, also in the long term. On this basis, we develop in the coaching your needs in terms of job content and job environment. Afterwards you will have the tools to realize your ideas on the job market.

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