Consulting – an offer in change

Experts as far as the eye can see

The expert consulting lives from the knowledge advantage of the consultants over the clients. For a long time, knowledge was only accessible in a limited way. Specialists therefore benefited from a knowledge monopoly. This is still valid in some special fields. But for most topics, knowledge is now largely freely accessible. Anyone can read up on the most diverse topics. This has relativized the experts’ knowledge advantage. This development could give the impression that expert consulting is no longer necessary. However, it is clear that the abundance of information is overwhelming. This creates a new need for advice. The challenge is to filter out the relevant information and to distinguish between serious content and fake information. This has increased the need for weighting and classification. For example, job seekers are confronted with countless contradictory instructions for a good application and tips for job interviews.

New thinking in consulting

Therefore, consulting is in demand again – but differently. The customer has to evaluate the consulting offer, as the different quality of the contents of their own analysis is reflected in the consulting offers. The task of consulting is now to find a solution for the customer’s needs together with him/her. It is important to work out what they need in order to decide which content is relevant. This brings consulting closer to coaching. Coaches accompany their coachees to find a solution in the sense of help for self-help. This approach can be used profitably in a mixture with expert advice. It creates an exchange of experts at eye level. The consultants are experts in their specialist field, the coachee is the expert in his/her own matter. This is crucial, as he/she bear the effects of the consulting and thus the responsibility. Working together, they find a suitable solution.