Employee search via social networks
LinkedIn has established itself internationally as the leading social network for recruitment and application. This is especially true for positions for well qualified specialists and executives. In the medium to long term, LinkedIn should continue to expand its leading position. For companies, the platform offers the opportunity to quickly find and contact sought-after specialists directly. Whereas this procedure used to be reserved for headhunters, companies are now increasingly looking for their employees this way. They have specialized recruitment. The job description of the recruiter has become more demanding. They have to track down potential employees more and more specifically and offer them jobs. This is done via active sourcing, for which the headhunter trade is needed. Many sourcers used to be headhunters themselves. LinkedIn offers companies a special module for recruitment. This offers additional selection possibilities. And recruiters can use it to handle practically the entire applicant management process.
LinkedIn – Inbound strategy for job seekers
As many companies are looking for employees on LinkedIn, a profile for job seekers is essential. Many refrain for privacy reasons. Nevertheless, I recommend to be present on this network. Another reason for reluctance is that companies use the platform for their employer branding. They therefore want to present their employees as figureheads of the company. Employees perceive this as a conflict of interest as they want to present themselves to other companies for the next career step. I think the two concerns can be combined. It is important to upload a profile before you start looking for a job. You should already be noticed by interesting companies if you are still satisfied in your job. Recruiters constantly observe their relevant labour markets. A good inbound marketing strategy in the job market means that you are always available when a company offers you an interesting job.