Time-shifted video interview

Time saving for all involved

Since the Corona era at the latest, the time-shifted video interview has established itself as the first step in the recruitment process for many companies. Applicants record the answers to 5-7 interview questions via video. This works as follows: The company sends the applicant a link to the video interview with instructions. The applicants have the opportunity to record the interview questions within a few days. The advantage for the applicants is flexibility. They can record their answers when they have time and do not need to ask their current employer for time for personal interviews under a pretext. For the companies too, the time-shifted video interview saves time and the recruiters can be more flexible in their work. Since all applicants have to answer the same questions, the time-shifted video interview offers the advantages of structured interviews: The answers of the applicants are comparable. Many applicants get stressed about this type of interview. They have the feeling that it is a completely new type of interview. Is this true?

Here, too, preparation is everything

Actually, only the medium has changed. The questions in the time-shifted video interview are exactly the same as those recruiters ask you in face-to-face job interviews: “Please introduce yourself.”; “What motivates you about this job/company?”; “Please describe how you dealt with a particular challenge?” Etc. The awkward thing is that you are communicating without a visible conversation partner. Also, we are not used to having a time limit for our answers. Therefore, it is important to practise the interview. You usually have the option of recording an answer twice and deleting the worse answer. Nevertheless, I advise you to practice by answering typical interview questions out loud for yourself and timing yourself. This will help you get used to communicating without a listener and get a feel for the length of your answers. This preparation is not new either. I advise applicants to practise their answers without learning them by heart, even in the classic job interview.

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