Online job interview

A new standard in the application process

Online job interviews via Zoom, Teams or Skype have become the standard for the first 1-2 rounds of interviews at many companies. Often only the last round of interviews is conducted in person. The ad-vantages of online job interviews for both applicants and recruiters are obvious. Both sides save a lot of time. A face-to-face interview, including travel, often takes half a working day for the applicant. In terms of content, online job interviews are no different from face-to-face interviews. The recruiters ask exactly the same questions. However, the length can vary. While personal interviews always last at least 60 to 90 minutes, initial online interviews can be limited to 30 minutes. They can take the form of short clarifica-tions or complete rounds of interviews. For you as an applicant, nothing changes in terms of content. You prepare for an online job interview in exactly the same way as for a traditional job interview. And yet there are some differences.

The pitfalls of technology

Applicants sometimes perceive online job interviews as less binding and prepare less. This may have to do with the fact that companies do not specify their expectations enough, whereas these are self-explanatory in the classic job interview. But it is above all the technology that is fraught with some pit-falls: pay attention to the positioning of the screen so that you are photographed at an appropriate dis-tance and from the front. Good lighting makes you look good. Dress exactly as you would for a person-al interview (but without a jacket). Ensure that the person you are talking to is fully focused on you by using a calm background. Look into the camera from time to time so that your interviewers get the im-pression that you are looking into their eyes. And remember that in an online job interview, your hands will appear oversized when you gesticulate because they are closer to the camera. To get used to the peculiarities of this interview form, I advise you to practise with someone.

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