Outplacement; information for employees

Why outplacement?

Outplacement is coaching for your professional reorientation. It supports you in dealing successfully with the situation of termination and in quickly finding your way in the job market and in the job search. The goal is for you to find a suitable new job as soon as possible that matches your ideas and inclinations and that you feel comfortable with. Perhaps the change of job will even enable you to realize long-held professional ideas and to find a professional situation that suits you better.


The cooperation depends on your individual needs and is within the scope offered by your employer. In the following, I describe the possible topics in outplacement (Figure 1), which can run in parallel and which do not all have to be relevant for you.

Handling the situation

  • Handling the employment termination, with the aim of good emotional processing
  • Reflecting on the reasons for the termination; especially if your behaviour contributed to the decision for dismissal
  • Development of alternative attitude- resp. behaviour alternatives with coaching
  • Analysis of the actual situation and clarifying of the following questions:
    • Immediate release (if offered by the company) or continue working during the notice period
    • Communication and information to the personal network
    • Review of the financial situation
    • Planning of the remaining time in the company
    • In the case of an immediate release: creation of a new daily structure
  • Discussion on the formalities (RAV, insurance)

Personal and professional assessment

Analysis of the employee’s personality (Who am I? How am I?)

Inventory of the skills (What are my skills?)

  • Creation of your competency profile on the basis of the previous professional experiences
  • Elicitation of your technical and methodological competencies (hard skills)
  • Analysis of your previous performance, your professional successes and failures
  • Processing of success stories in order you to become aware of your personal inclinations, to strengthen your self-consciousness and in order to prepare for job-interviews

Development of the professional ideas and goals (Where do I want to go to?)

  • Development of a job requirement profile from two points of view:
    • Job content: Development of a job profile (preferred activities, positioning) as a basis for the job search and application
    • Job environment: Definition of a desired work environment/optimal working conditions (work location, corporate culture, management culture, degree of freedom, etc.) as preparation for job interviews
  • If needed: development of totally new professional perspectives

Market Analysis/Job Research

  • Particularly in the case of lateral moves, it makes sense to conduct job research to find out more about the jobs one is considering before searching and applying for them. This serves on the one hand to clarify one’ s own interest and on the other hand to be able to argue in a more competent way in job interviews.

Job search


Preparation of the application campaign

  • Organization of the application activities with methods from work technique and time management
  • Becoming familiar with the application resp. recruitment process from the perspective of companies
  • Optimization of your behaviour in application (e.g., application by phone)

Preparation of the application documents

  • Create significant application documents (CV, motivational letter)
  • If needed: preparing of additional instruments (performance record, project list, etc.)
  • Development of a convincing profile on LinkedIn

Preparation for job-interviews

  • Simulation of job-interviews based on concrete job profiles
  • Development of tailormade communication strategies through storytelling
  • Ensuring optimal interview preparation by analysing the job requirements
  • Evaluation of job-interviews and preparation for follow-up interviews

Support during the application process

  • Reflecting on and classifying your experiences of applying for jobs
  • If needed: adjustment of your application or your communication strategy
  • Support in the decision on concrete job offers
  • Advice regarding employment contract preparation and salary negotiations

Coaching during the probation period

  • Clarify issues concerning induction phase, positioning in the company and relationship building
  • Reflection on the experiences made in the new company
  • Coaching if problems arise, e.g., in leadership or communication

How I work

Individual Outplacements

Outplacement is a very personal process. Therefore, I only offer individual outplacements. These cover the entire process described above or parts of it, as needed. If you have experience in application and you are sure about your professional direction, a consultation on job search and application may be sufficient. If you have worked for a company for a long time and are having difficulties with the termination, the support also includes the processing of the termination. An assessment makes sense if you would like to sharpen your professional ideas or if a professional reorientation is planned. If your behavior contributed to your dismissal, coaching to reflect on your behavior facilitates professional reorientation. Finally, coaching during the probation period makes it easier for you to settle in and integrate with your new employer.

Free preliminary talk

A good working relationship promotes success in outplacement. In order for you to get to know me and my way of working, I offer you a non-binding and free 30-minute meeting in person or online. After that you can decide if you want to work with me.

Knowledge transfer

During the consultation, I will provide you with as much knowledge as possible from my more than 20 years of experience in the field of personal and professional assessment, job search and application. In order for you to benefit optimally from this, I provide you with comprehensive documents. These serve as preparation for the sessions as well as for follow-up reading afterwards. And finally, you can refresh your acquired knowledge with the documents at any time later.

Your career coach

«For more than 20 years I have been advising my clients in career topics. Since 2008 I accompany people in different functions and industries in outplacements to find a new professional orientation and to successfully apply on the job market. With private individuals and with employees, on behalf of their employers, I do private and professional assessments as well as coaching on career topics. Before that, I advised – in the role of a personnel consultant and headhunter – technical specialists and managers in their job search. In addition I was recruiting specialists for companies in the financial services industry.»

Peter Näf

Master of Arts University of Zurich
Executive Master of HR Management

Professional career
Company information

General terms and conditions

Consulting location


The sessions take place in my consulting room at Mühlebachstrasse 43 in Zurich.
(5 minutes walk from the train station Stadelhofen)


Upon request, I also offer sessions via MS Teams.


The time frame of the outplacement depends on the offer of your employer as sponsor.


The content of our meetings is confidential. Feedback to your employer and outplacement sponsor is limited to the coaching process only, i.e. whether the sessions take place and in general terms about how we are progressing in our work together.


I will provide you with comprehensive, written documentation on the topics discussed for your reference. In the context of the personal and professional assessment, I will provide you with exercises for independent further work. In addition, I provide you with Word templates for your application documents (CV, motivation letter, performance record, reference lists, etc.) as well as forms for your application activities.

Your next step

Arrange a non-binding and free 30-minute preliminary talk either on 076 223 97 88, via e-mail, WhatsApp or Threema.

Business policy and general terms and conditions

Business policy