

Statistics as proof of success in outplacement?
50plus – (self-)underestimated potential
Understanding your own career with «Career-Telling»
How not to conduct a termination meeting
Storytelling – tell your entire story!
Career success through specialisation
Shortage of specialists’ self-awareness
Do, not think! Design thinking for your career
Career decisions are internal majority decisions
Success is a matter of perspective
Bad experiences lead to good requirements

Personal and professional assessment

Yes, it’s all about hocus-pocus strengths
Dreams do not always want to be realised
Certified, so I am
Subconscious versus mind 1:0
Do you know your transferable skills?
All roads lead to Rome – even if it takes a little longer
Know thyself, or others will
Successful career design through self-observation
Introvert is not a dirty word
Deal with your dreams when things are going well
It’s never too late to start a new career
SME experience is sexy!
Rethinking meaning and sustainability in the workplace


On what does the CV depend? On the content!
Writing motivation letters with Chat GPT – seriously?
7 times in last round – 7 times refused
Do you put all your assets on the scale pan?
A good application is condensed time
Job search? Approach it like a headhunter
Is the motivation letter an obsolete model?
Should I optimize my CV for AI?
Ghosting in recruitment and application

Job interview

Are you still tapping or are you already telling?
On job interviews and gorillas
Influence? Yes – but the right way!
The job interview is about sympathy
Hypnosis of the interviewer
Also tell me what I already know!
Sell yourself well – talk about your weaknesses!
Young banker, fired without notice, looks for…
How do you want to be remembered?
«Tick the boxes» in the interviewer’s head!
A job interview is like a joke
Let’s talk straight – please!


Poultry does not fly
Personal branding without myth
Why success does not speak enough for itself
Self-marketing is a requirement in every job
The 4 P’s of self-marketing
Forget the «we» in self-marketing!
What makes storytelling so effective? Pictures!
What does Hitchcock’s “The Birds” tell us about communication?


«Further education is never wrong!»- but is it always right?
Diversity? Yes, but for real!
The blessing of bad experiences
Keep your eyes on your goals, not your opponents
Why do you have to if you could also want to?
There are no such thing as negative emotions