Coaching; information for employees

Why coaching?

Even if you have the necessary experience and knowledge for your job and your personality fits into the company, you may be confronted with challenges that require clarification. These are often areas of personal learning and development. In coaching, I work with you on such development topics, as described in the next section. You learn to deal successfully with new situations by reflecting on your perceptions and questioning your views. Thereby you will find a new attitude, which will be reflected in a changed behavior. You will broaden your behavioral repertoire, develop your personality and successfully cope with more challenges.

Coaching topics

The variety of topics in coaching is very broad. I have specialized in a selection of coaching topics in which I have a lot of experience and in which there are synergies with my other consulting areas such as outplacement, personal and professional assessment as well as job search and application:

Positioning and self-marketing

Recognizing the necessity of self-marketing in career design; developing strategies for your better positioning in the company through the visibility of your achievements; learning storytelling; strengthening your self-perception as a prerequisite for a better perception by others.

Strengthening your self-confidence

Recognizing that self-confidence can be learned; strengthening your self-confidence by knowing your personal strengths and weaknesses.

Personality development

Recognizing personal development needs by knowing your own soft skills (strengths and weaknesses); developing strategies to expand your behavioral repertoire.


Learning to communicate with customers, superiors and employees in a way that is appropriate to the situation; recognizing your own goals and needs as well as the goals and needs of your discussion partners; effective use of communication tools.

Emotion management

Dealing with your own and other people’s emotions; getting to know your emotions as a valuable channel of perception and as a guide for your personal development.

Personal and professional assessment

Developing professional perspectives and goals; recognizing your needs in terms of job content and job environment; defining personal and technical development needs; recognizing your strengths and weaknesses.
(See also the explanations on personal and professional assessment for employees).



If you want to reflect on a limited topic, clarify a question or receive my assessment as a neutral person, a single session may be enough. The amount of professional advice tends to be higher; coaching processes require a longer collaboration. If we have already worked together, you can efficiently clarify questions in individual sessions, building on the previous consultation and an established working relationship.


For complex concerns, as well as when there is a desire for lasting change in your work or life situation, multiple sessions are necessary. At the first meeting we clarify the goals for the collaboration; an evaluation of the process is part of the last session. In the sessions in between we work on your topic. The coaching process is limited in time by your question.


A successful collaboration in coaching is based on a good working relationship. I offer you a non-binding, 30-minute preliminary conversation so that you can get to know me and my way of working. This offer is not valid for individual sessions.

Part of your strategic career planning


Ideally, you align your career with your strengths and your preferred activities. In a personal and professional assessment you work out your professional ideas as well as your requirements for the job content and the job environment. This may reveal a need for professional or personal development. You will undergo professional development by taking on appropriate functions, supplemented by training and further education. For the personal development coaching is one possibility.


When it comes to professional development, many people neglect the internal job market or even the current job. If something changes to the disadvantage of the employees concerned, they look for a solution in an external change. Often, however, the current work situation would offer a lot of room for optimization. Unfortunately, there is often a lack of knowledge about how internal changes can be approached. Here, too, coaching can show ways of communicating personal needs or introducing suggestions for change.

Your career coach


«In coaching I accompany you in the role of a sparring partner to master your challenges in the conflict areas between profession, working environment and private life. Coaching is a way of personal growth in order to extend your range of possible behaviour and it is an investment in the development of your personality.»

Peter Näf

Master of Arts Universität Zürich
Executive Master of HR Management

Professional career
Company information

General terms and conditions


Our meetings take place in my office at Mühlebachstrasse 43 in Zurich.
(5 minutes walk from railway station Stadelhofen)
If desired, I also offer the coaching via MS Teams.


The time needed for coaching depends on your coaching topics and on the scope your employer as the sponsor of the coaching offers.

Session duration

Sessions take 60 or 90 minutes.


The content of our meetings is confidential. Feedback to your employer as sponsor of the coaching is limited to the coaching process. You communicate information about the content of the coaching and the achievement of objectives directly with the sponsor (line manager or HR). If desired, an evaluation of the coaching is also possible in a three-way conversation between you, the sponsor and me as the coach.

Scope of service

  • Non-binding, 30-minute briefing free of charge (this does not apply for single sessions!)
  • Performance of the coaching sessions including preparation and post-processing of the meetings
  • Exercises for continued practice between the sessions, depending on the topic


If you have any questions or in order to arrange a briefing free of charge, please contact me by phone, e-mail, WhatsApp or Threema.