Job coaching

A new term for familiar services

The term «job coaching» has become established as an alternative to outplacement, career coaching or career counselling. Compared to career coaching, however, job coaching seems somewhat limited and purely job-related. Instead, it covers a wide range of topics and comes closest to my offer of outplacement. Put simply, outplacement answers two questions: «What do I want to do professionally?» and «How do I get there?» The first question is answered by a thorough personal and professional assessment to create a job requirement profile in terms of job content and job environment. Here, you are primarily interested in what you WANT to do and only secondarily in what you CAN do. As a result of your assessment, you define job profiles that fulfil the requirements you have identified. Unfortunately, many job seekers neglect this work on themselves and go straight to the second question instead.

Application coaching and job interview training

Once the question of professional orientation has been clarified, the next step is to implement it on the labour market. It may be necessary to conduct job research between the personal and professional assessment and the job search. It makes sense to obtain more information about the new job area, especially in the case of lateral moves into new functions and/or sectors. As you can see, a large part of the job search work is done long before the application. It is worth investing enough time in a personal and professional assessment; it is the best possible preparation for the application campaign. Job coaching during the job search and application phase includes advice on preparing your written application documents (CV, motivational letters, LinkedIn profile, etc.) and training for job interviews. In written and verbal communication, you need exactly the information that you have compiled in the personal and professional assessment.

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