Newplacement 50plus

What is special about 50plus?

Newplacement 50plus does not differ in content from a newplacement for younger employees. In the past, only technical or management specialists benefited from a newplacement. These were very generous packages. They included support over many months, the provision of a workplace and thus a daily structure, as well as secretarial services. Today, younger employees also benefit from coaching for professional reorientation. The amount of support has tended to decrease, regardless of age. However, a newplacement 50plus is still somewhat more extensive, since the job search becomes more demanding with increasing seniority. I consciously speak of seniority and not of age! It is understandable that it is more difficult for an experienced person with a wide range of skills and experience to find a job. It has to match a job more than with younger applicants. Employees 50plus are hired for their experience and not for their potential.

The challenges of newplacement 50plus

And older employees generally cost more than younger ones. Besides the advantage of experience and maturity, they also have disadvantages. They are perceived as more profiled, or, to put it negatively, less formable. Also, expectations of them are higher in the application process. They need to know their professional and personal strengths and know which positions they are being considered for. In addition, they must convince in the job interview through personality and communication skills. The challenge in a newplacement 50plus is, among other things, that the persons concerned have the patience to deal intensively with themselves and their career. And they have to look for jobs where they have advantages over competitors. There is a danger that they will apply too widely and be discouraged by the resulting rejections. In addition, many block themselves by adopting the opinion that people 50plus have little chance on the labour market.

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