Offer application coaching

Why coaching on job search and application?

Process view

For you as a specialist or manager, job search and application are probably the last two steps in a longer process of professional (re)orientation. As you can see in the Figure, you will first carry out a personal and professional assessment to find out what you want to do professionally. And if necessary, you can use job research to gain additional information about possible professions, jobs or sectors. Unfortunately, many jobseekers enter the labour market without having devoted enough time to the first two steps of the process. A difficult job search with many rejections ultimately forces them to deal with these.

Myth of the application

Are you confused by the many, sometimes contradictory tips on job applications? Then you are in good company. Unfortunately, even professionals can be influenced by trends and fashions. According to my observations, applicants make the biggest mistakes when they follow tips that they don’t see the point of.
It is often overlooked that the basic principles of the application remain the same over time. It goes without saying that application channels change with technological developments. In addition, the demands on applicants have increased in recent years and your application documents must of course meet current standards. But don’t let questions about the form of your application documents distract you from the main aspect: the content.

The model of investment sales

There is a consensus that advertising is selling. Opinions differ as to what constitutes good selling. Sales strategies from product marketing are often uncritically applied to advertising. An inexpensive and interchangeable product can be sold well through promotion, personal product evaluation and emotionalisation.
However, you are a unique personality with certain experiences and skills and therefore not easily interchangeable. And for companies, you are an expensive investment with a major impact on the company’s success, depending on your position. For this reason, the sales process is different: as investors, recruiters and hiring managers are interested in facts, want to get to know you personally and form their own impression of you.

Application as a work sample

Your behaviour during the application process reveals a lot about yourself and your way of working. Have you understood what companies are looking for and want to find out about you during the application process? Do you behave actively and proactively? Are you customer-orientated, as you would automatically be if you wanted to sell a product or service to a company? Communication skills, a structured approach, accuracy and quality awareness, for example, can also be seen from your behaviour in the application.

What the coaching involves

Understanding the recruiters’ needs

In application coaching, I explain the recruitment process from the company’s perspective so that you understand their needs. You will learn the most important application principles. This will help you to be successful in different application situations in the future.
I will show you how to create meaningful application documents (CV and motivation letter) in which you and your experience and knowledge are visible. We will focus on the content and the facts. We avoid self-assessments and dispense with the typical marketing or application-speak that makes applicants indistinguishable. Depending on your profile, you will also be introduced to additional application documents such as your performance record, list of publications, project list, etc. Finally, we also take a look at your LinkedIn profile. The application coaching therefore covers all written documentation in the context of the job search.
I will also explain the different search channels on the open and hidden job market and, depending on your needs, we will work out an optimal job search strategy, analyse job advertisements together or look at the procedure for an initiative application.

Knowledge transfer

During the counselling session, I impart as much knowledge as possible from my more than 25 years of experience in job search and application. In order for you to benefit optimally from this, I provide you with comprehensive written documents. These will help you to prepare for the sessions as well as for follow-up. And finally, you can refresh your acquired knowledge at any time later on.

Further offers for job search and application

The three-hour coaching provides a good basis. It will enable you to find your way around most application situations independently. If required, I will be happy to go into individual topics in greater depth with you in additional coaching sessions to be arranged.

Articles on the topic

What is important in a CV? The content!
Writing motivation letters with Chat GPT – seriously?
A good application is condensed time

How we proceed

Preliminary talk (by telephone or online)

In a 15-minute, non-binding and free preliminary talk, I will explain to you my approach to job search and application coaching and answer any questions you may have. If you decide to work with me, we will discuss your specific coaching concerns at the same time.


You send me your complete application documents (CV, motivation letter, references) and ideally the ad for the position to which your documents relate.
I will send you a script on the subject of job applications to help you prepare. In it you will find explanations to help you better understand the entire application process. After reading it, you will have a better understanding of my suggestions during the session.

Session 1

In the first session, we will look at your application documents. I will show you how to create a convincing CV for a specific job and what is important when writing a motivation letter. If necessary, I will introduce you to additional application documents (performance record, project list, list of publications, etc.). At the same time, I will give you suggestions for optimising your LinkedIn profile. I will provide you with Word templates for all application documents.


Based on the input, you will optimise your application documents (CV, motivation letter and any additional documents) and revise your LinkedIn profile. Before the second session, you will send me your revised documents as Word documents.

Session 2

We discuss your revised application documents and make adjustments on the spot. Depending on your needs, we then develop an optimal job search strategy with a mix of different search channels on the open and/or hidden labour market, look at the entire application process or discuss the topic of direct applications.

Your coach

«For more than 20 years I have been dealing with the subject of job applications; since 2008 as a career coach and outplacement consultant, before that for 11 years as a recruiter and headhunter.»

Peter Näf

Master of Arts Universität Zürich
Executive Master of HR Management

Professional career
Company information

General conditions

Consultation location

In person

Mühlebachstrasse 43 in Zurich
(5 minutes’ walk from Stadelhofen station)


MS Teams


3 hours, divided into 2 sessions of 90 minutes each

Scope of services

  • 15-minute preliminary meeting by phone or online
  • 2 coaching sessions of 90 minutes each, in person or online
  • Before the first session: hand in a comprehensive script generally about application for your preparation and attunement.
  • After the first session: handing in of a detailed documentation on the application documents for reference as well as Word templates for CV, motivation letter, etc.
  • After the second session: Hand in detailed documentation on the job search. In it you will find a presentation of the different application channels on the open and hidden job market as well as many helpful links.

Your next step

Arrange a non-binding and free 15-minute preliminary meeting on 076 223 97 88, by e-mail, WhatsApp or Threema.