Coaching; information for company

Why Coaching?

Even if your employees have the required experience and skills, and also fit well into your company’s culture, they are still confronted with challenges that need to be mastered. In such situations many companies and employees often consider giving notice as a possible solution. However, these challenges are possibly a personal area of learning and development. In coaching I work with your employees on such development topics as described in the following section. During the coaching, your employees learn to successfully deal with new situations by reflecting on personal perceptions and questioning their viewpoints. As a result, they develop new attitudes, which results in changed behaviours your employees broaden their behavioural repertoires, develop their personalities and successfully overcome more challenges than before. Providing coaching during a period where there is a lack of specialists contributes to talent development and retention management.

Content / topics

The need for coaching always appears in situations when the previous problem-solving strategies and the behavioural repertoires of your employees are not sufficient to master certain professional challenges. The fast economic change forces your employees to adapt their viewpoints and behaviours just as quickly. To ensure a high quality of counselling, I only offer coaching on topics in which I have a lot of experience. I have therefore specialised in the following coaching topics:

Positioning and self-marketing

Recognising the necessity of self-marketing in career management; developing strategies for better positioning in the company through the visibility of one’s own achievements; learning storytelling; strengthening self-perception as a prerequisite for better perception by others.

Strengthening self-consciousness

Recognising that self-consciousness can be learned; strengthening self-confidence through knowledge of personal strengths and weaknesses.

Personality development

Recognition of personal development needs through knowledge of one’s own soft skills (strengths and weaknesses); development of strategies to expand behavioural repertoire.


Learning to communicate with customers, superiors and employees in a situation-appropriate way; recognising one’s own goals and needs as well as the goals and needs of the conversation partners; effective use of communication tools.

Emotion management

Dealing with one’s own and others’ emotions; getting to know emotions as a valuable channel of perception and as a guide for personality development.

Personal and professional assessment

Development of professional perspectives and goals; recognize one’ s own needs regarding job content and job environment; definition of personal and professional development and training needs; recognition of one’s own strengths and weaknesses.
(Please also read my remarks on this subject under personal and professional assessment for employees).

What is coaching?

Systemic and solution oriented

Systemic, solution-oriented coaching is limited in time and content. Systemic means that I have a look at the coaching topics with your employee which are related to their work environment and the appropriate dynamics. Solution-oriented means that in coaching we do not only want to understand how a problem arises, but we want to find solutions which result in a noticeable improvement in the daily work. In coaching I see myself as a sparring partner for employees to master the challenges in the conflict areas between profession, working environment and private life.

Resource oriented

The aim in coaching is to activate the personal and technical resources of your employees in order to achieve the coaching goals. At the same time, I bring in my technical knowledge and my experience. Your employees are the experts for their actual situation and I am the expert in coaching. Together we find solutions that are appropriate for the actual situation. It is important that your employees feel secure and know how they want to proceed. Changes in life happen if we start doing things different to the way we used to do it in the past. Gaining new insights is just the first step, it is important to put the knowledge into practice. The protected setting in coaching makes it possible to try out and practice new behaviours. Your employees apply the knowledge gained in their everyday working life. In the next coaching session, we evaluate their experiences and make adjustments if needed.

How we can cooperate

The basis for a successful collaboration in coaching is a clear way forward, the clarification of the expectations of all people involved, as well as a binding regulation of the communication between you as the sponsor of the coaching, your employee as the coachee and myself as the coach.

Relationship / briefing free of charge

A trustful working relationship is the basis for a successful collaboration in coaching. Therefore, I offer your employees a non-binding, 30-minute briefing free of charge so that they can become familiar with me and my working style. Afterwards they decide whether I am the right coach for them.

Assignment clarification and contract

The coaching serves the personal development of your employees. In the first session we agree on the goals for the cooperation and record them in writing.

Evaluation and feedback

In the last session, I evaluate the overall process with my coachee. The feedback to you as the principal covers the coaching process. The feedback about the content and the achievement of goals takes place between principal and coachee. If desired, an evaluation of the coaching in a three-way conversation between the principal, coachee and coach is also possible.

Quality assurance

It is important for me to work with my clients based on a clear assignment and the definition of measurable goals. I evaluate my services with my clients. Whilst providing consultation I regularly review my work with my own personal coach and with my network of consultants.

Conditions and contact

I would be very happy to discuss a possible cooperation with you and give you a personalised offer. I look forward to hearing from you by telephone, e-mail, WhatsApp or Threema.
I am pleased to send you my actual conditions (order conditions).

About me


«For more than 20 years I’ve been consulting my clients in career topics. In coaching I accompany your employees as a sparring partner in handling challenges in the conflict fields between profession, work environment and private life. Coaching is a personal growth process with the goal to extend and broaden the scope of behaviour and it is an investment in the personal development of your employees.»

Peter Näf

Master of Arts University of Zurich
Executive Master of HR Management

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